Fragment Analysis

Fragment analysis is a genetic analysis method comprising a series of techniques in which DNA fragments are fluorescently labeled. The important initial component of many genetic studies such as mutation detection, linkage, genetic diversity, and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. 

Fragment analysis Plate (DS-33)

- PCR optimization & Analysis

- PCR amplification & Genescan

FA with Spectral Optimization 

ATGC determines Dilution Factor (DF) before electrophoresis. Customers perform PCR reactions and clean-up.  Then, ATGC performs electrophoresis, data extraction & data analysis with the provided fragment sizes. Spectral Optimization charges apply depending on the number of labeled primer.

FA without Spectral Optimization (You pre-determine final DF)

Customers dilute samples to the appropriate concentration before submission and inform us about your dilution/ let us know your dilution. ATGC takes 1-2ul of the diluted DNA for electrophoresis. Total volume in Genetic Analyzer as 10 ul.

FA without Spectral Optimization (Your pre-dilute samples and ATGC load 1 ul)

Customer to dilute samples to the appropriate concentration before submission. ATGC takes 1 ul of the diluted DNA into mix for electrophoresis. Total volume in Genetic Analyzer is 10 ul.  

FA Ready-to-Load

Customers to mix appropriate amounts of PCR template, size standard, and Hi-Di Formamide prior to submission. ATGC loads the mixture to Genetic Analyzer directly.

  • The recommended sample volume is at least 10 ul per reaction. Put up to 95 samples in a 96 well plate, leaving the last well empty for a control.
  • The recommended direction to fill samples to the plate as this our guideline in picture below:

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